Saturday, December 19, 2009

goodbye noughties! Bring on the teens!

It has been 10 years since the turn of the millenium.

I was 20 years old (young).

Didn't know what the hell I was going to do with my life (still don't),

Didn't know what I was going to excel at (if anything),

Didn't know what I was going to be good at (that is worthwhile to the community anyway!),

And as I write this, I realise there is less than 12 days left of the 21st century's noughty decade!

And currently as a thirty year old, I don't think I will be doing too much in the 22nd century's noughty decade.

That thought provoked the following question:.

"Am I happy and content with my existence over the last ten years?" 

Will I look back in the years to come and say:

"I was proud of my time here from 2000-2009?"

The interesting thing is, whether I am proud of what happened or not, I can't go back and change it.

All I/we can do is learn from my/our experiences.

Having regret is the DUMBEST thing we can hold on to, because we can not go back and change what's happened (unless you know Michael J Fox).

Good things that happen or bad things that happen are all just experiences.

And experiences mean nothing unless you learn from them.

Live and learn baby!

Be safe over the holidays and kick arse in 2010!

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

fitness session for NEW YEAR'S EVE - BE THERE!!!

So, it might sound a little left of centre, doing a fitness session on New Year's Eve...

BUT , I reckon drinking to excess and eating too much is a little bit STUPID aswell!!!


We will meet at the PCYC Fitness centre at 9pm,

Chew the fat about this and that for a little while,

Exercise from about 10pm-11pm, and then recovery with an refreeshing beverage just in time for the count down.

You are very much invited to bring any friends and family that are as crazy as us!

Do something different this year!!!

Make 2010 the year of getting out of your comfort zone, (starting with our New Year's Eve Fitness Session!) 

See you there.

Phone me if you have any other questions

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Plenty of opening hours, so NO EXCUSES over Christmas!

Hi fatburners gang,

Here are the opening hours for the xmas period:

Up to (and including) Wed 23 Dec 09 - Normal hours

Thurs 24 Dec - 6am - 6pm
Fri 25 Dec - Mon 28 Dec -CLOSED
Tues 29 Dec - Thurs 31 Dec - 8am - 4pm
Fri 1 Jan - Sun 3 Jan - CLOSED

Mon 4 Jan 2010 - Normal hours

The last fatburners fitness class for the year is:
Thurs morning 9.30am, (24 Dec 09)

And the first class back for the year is:

Monday morning 6am, (4 Jan 2010)

Stay safe, healthy and jolly over this holiday season and I look forward to really raising the bar in 2010!!!

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'll start next year

So we are about to hit December...

the 'right-off' month!

Why do we even bother with December?

Everyone is already thinking about next year anyway!

Tell me I'm wrong!

December comes along and we start planning our next year...

"In 2010, I am going to really start exercising..."

"Not like how I said I would in 2009, no way! This year is going to be MY year to REALLY start!"

"My food is REALLY going to change! and my health is REALLY going to be a priority!"

You know what I have found from years of working in the fitness industry with the general public?

People are really good at TALKING about things!

and awesome at SAYING why this time is going to be different!

What the general public is not so good at is...DOING!

Here's the challenge, ladies and gents...

Start your new year's resolution on Dec 1, 2009 not Jan 1, 2010.


Because making long term changes in not about a date on the calender but more about changing your mind set.

If you can't make some positive changes from December 1 because you want to get over the Christmas period first, you are basically saying that this is not a long term change for you.

Because if you do start on Jan 1, what then happens at Easter?

and then Holidays?

and then next Christmas?

and so on and so on.....

This is certainly no way of approaching a long term change!

Sure, let your hair down and have a great time this christmas, but don't kid yourself with the whole New Year's resolution CRAPOLA!

Make some changes for life, not because a date on the calender says we should!

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do it by myself, are you kidding me? (20/20)

It seems some people are really keen, really motivated, really ready to better their health and fitness and lifestyle BUT only when their friend/neighbour/partner/workmate/lover/ex lover/son/daughter/mum/dad/etc is ready to do it with them.

Why is that?

Why is it so hard to do stuff unless we have some one there to do it with us?

It doesn't make the exercise any less of a struggle.

They don't actually do the work for you.

Most times, they need as much of a kick in the butt as you do!

We know all this, yet we still set out with excellent goals of sticking to the exercise thing, because "we are going to push each other"!

And what happens if/when the inevitable happens and your new training partner doesn't want to go one day!

Well, that's just don't go either, right?

And the next day, same thing...

and the next day, and the next...

until you wake up one day and say, "rememember when we used to go to the gym, we should try that again one day"

And the vicious cycle continues.

The whole idea of being motivated and dedicated is doing stuff no matter how you feel.

or how the weather is,

or how the kids have been,

or how work was,

and especially if your "training partner" just isn't interested any more!

Some people tell me they enjoy their exercise time because it is THEIR time away from all the stressors and anxiety of the real world!

So why not try that?

See how you go, training by yourself. Because at the end of the day...

No one really cares about your looks/health/fitness/dress size/BMI/weight/etc except you!

Hope this helps.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Monday, October 26, 2009

I've got time, it's just not a priority (19/20)

There are 168 hours in each week.

The text books tell us to maintain our fitness requires 3 x 30 minutes sessions each week.

This totals 1.5 hours/ week

1.5 hours into 168 = 0.89%


And you are telling me you have no TIME to exercise!

Come on!

It's not that you have no time, it's just not a priority!

Let's use picking up the kids from school as an example.

If you have to pick the kids up from school it just gets done.

No matter what!

The kids will get picked up from school (no matter how little time is available)

You can't say to the kids, "sorry kids, I just didn't have time to pick you up today, But I will try harder tomorrow"

It just gets done!


Because it is a priority.

I am not suggesting that we start comparing the importance of our health and fitness versus the importance of picking up the kids from school.

What I am suggesting is that when people use time as their excuse for not exercising, in actual fact it is because they are not really concerned whether they get to the gym or not.

Because if it really was a priority, they would've gone.

I'd love your thoughts.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 things you can't say tomorrow (18/20)

Here are the 10 phrases you are not allowed to use tomorrow:

I want 5 push ups for every time you use one of these terms!

1. I can't do that

2. Maybe I will give that a go, one day

3. You don't understand my situation!

4. It's alright for you

5. I wish I was lucky like her

6. I used to do stuff like that!

7. I should start doing that

8. If only I had done that when I was younger, I could never do it now

9. I won't be able to do that until I am older

10. I'll start doing that when things slow down for me a little bit

How we talk is how we will act (and how others will perceive us)

So speak with positivity and watch your results improve!

Keep intensity high and excuses low!

Matt Collins

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I need to think about it (17/20)

Why do we wait until everything is just right before we make a change in our life?

Why do we need to 'think about' every little decision?

In a lot of cases, 'over-analysing' a situation will end in us talking ourselves out of it.

(this could be good or bad)

In either case, I would much rather be the person giving it a go compared to the person watching from the sidelines waiting for that person to fail so they can say "see, I told you it wouldn't work!"

Sometimes spur of the moment decisions turn out to be the best decisions we could have ever made.

And sometimes, alternatively, going home and thinking about decisions turn out to be the worse decision we could have ever made.

Sometimes, if you spend too long making the decision, the decision will be made for you because it will be too late.

I often say to people who 'um and ah' about joining the gym (after going home and 'thinking about it') that this probably isn't going to work out because they aren't showing the level of commitment that is required to make life long changes.

(this doesn't always go down so well with the potential new member!)
However, it does force them to either get serious or continue to over-analise everything)

In most cases, people that over-analyse don't necessarily have anything more to think about, it is just that there is a fear of commitment (or maybe it is a fear of the unknown???)

"What if this doesn't work?"


"what if this DOES work?"

(This takes us back to the whole"what if" blog from last week!)

I'd like to finish with an example of a decision that would have required much thought (but eventually the HARD decision was made)

Parents of the teenage solo round the world sailor (Jessica Watson) said in a recent broadcast:

"we would rather lose Jessica out at sea, than tell her she wasn't allowed to even try"

As the father of a (ever-inquisitive) 6 year old (just turned 6 today btw!) I tend to agree with Jessica's parents.

However, I can also see why some parents would not agree.

I'd love your thoughts.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if (16/20)

It seems the last couple of posts I have done have cause quite a stir!
I have no problems with comments (both positive and negative). That is why I put this site together. To get the readers thinking beyond the norm. I appreciate all of your comments and I post them all (as long as there is no excessive swearing or unproductive criticism). So keep them coming!

On another note, if you have been reading my ramblings for a while, you will know I am a big fan of Melbourne trainer/motivational speaker/lifestyle adjuster, Craig Harper.
Craig owns the biggest personal training complex in the country, he has a regular spot on the '9am show' and he writes a daily blog (like me, however he has thousands and thousands of's nice to dream!)

Anyway, Craig is on his way to (the best east coast state) QLD for a full one day 'Renovate Your Body' workshop. He has asked me to tell all fatburners members/family/friends that if you are interested and you book before Wed 21 Oct you will get a 30% discount bringing the total price down to only $136!

All the fatburners trainers will be there on the day, so it'd be great if you could join us (you will not be disappointed!)

Check it out here:

On with today's entry,

I like to see people's reactions when you throw a challenge at them.

Especially when the challenge is a really challenging challenge! (I am aware of the 'not the bestest' grammar)

Some people run a mile, some people get excited, some people go quiet, some people say "this is dumb" and walk away, some people (without even giving it a go) will tell you all the reasons why it wont work.

But then there are other people who go straight to the "what ifs"

"What if it doesn't work?"

"What if she falls off"?

"What if we get lost"?

"What if I lose all my money"?

"What if I die"?

I am well aware that people need to think of the worse case scenario to make sure they have looked at both sides of the coin before they go jumping into a major decision, but my arguement is:

Are we looking at the positive and the negative sides evenly?

Or are we focusing all our attention on just the negative side?

"What if this happens, what if that happens..."

Here's a thought:

What if it goes so darn great that it is the best thing that has ever happened in your whole life!

You would then look back and be glad that you jumped in the deep end and didn't let all the "what ifs" talk you out of it.

I look forward to hearing about an instance when you jumped in the deep end and didn't listen to all the "what ifs"!

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

'sucked in' marketing in the health and fitness world (15/20)

It upsets me how the marketers of the fitness world really 'S   T   R   E   T   C   H' the truth to make us believe that their product is exactly what we need.

As of March 31, 2009, Wii Fit had sold 18.22 million units worldwide.

But how effective are the Wii Fit machines?

How many testimonials have we heard from people saying "I lost 20kg's while using the Wii Fit machine"

I haven't seen one.

I'm not saying the Wii Fit machine is no good, but where are the success stories?

Are there any?

Or have 18.22 million people just been 'sucked in' to buying this machine?

Don't hunt me down if you are one of the 18.22 million!

(if you are maybe you'd like to tell me how good/bad the machine is)

What about the multitude of ab machines that are marketed on morning television.

'Ab swing 4000'

'6 second abs'

'Ab Lounge'

All the classics!

"So convenient, they slide easily under your bed"

Yeh, and that is where they stay until your next garage sale!

Don't believe me? Check the Trading Post, you will see pages and pages of ab machines,exercise bikes, powders, pills and potions all being resold.

So why do we buy this stuff?

Surely we know deep down that it isn't going to work, right?

I believe we buy this stuff because we want the 'quick fix'.

We want to buy this product and take some comfort in that it will automatically solve all our problems!

Unfortunately, the sneaky marketers have us believe that this is possible.

They are prying on the desperate (or close to desperate) people that really don't like that part of their life and they would love a quick fix to their problem.

So they buy the product.

A couple of weeks later and they realise it is not as quick and easy as the commercial was suggesting and hello Trading Post! 

My suggestion is (and take it or leave it, I don't mind either way) is that anything worth getting is worth working towards.

Much like making a million dollars is going to take time and a well sort out plan, so is your (long term) ongoing fitness plan.

There are no quick fixes to anything

say it with me... "There are no quick fixes to anything"

(Somebody should tell Kevin Rudd!)

The way to life long results is with the following three things:

1. A plan

2. Hard work

3. Patience.

(you wont see that in any ab machine commercial!)

Would love your thoughts.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Monday, October 12, 2009

Top 10 things you should be doing in the gym (14/20)

It seems everyone has an opinion on how best to train in the gym.

Much the same as every year at Melbourne cup time we all become expert punters!

So here is my list:

10. Leave your excuses at the door
Honestly, no one really cares about the troubles in your life (they have troubles of their own) If you are going to make the effort to come the the gym, make the most out of it! Work hard and see the results!

9. Go to the gym because you want to. (not because your doctor/friend/wife/husband/neighbour said you should)

'The gym thing' will only become a permanent fixture in your life if it is something you are ready and willing to take on. I see it too many times, a wife will buy their husband a voucher to the gym for xmas/birthday and whilst they mean well it just doesn't get used. We have to WANT to do it!

8. Take your water around with you (if you need it at all)

I am not suggesting to dehydrate yourself, but let's be real here. Do you really think if your body went without water for 30-60 minutes you would really suffer?
My opinion is too many people use 'water breaks' as a bit of a rest time, when really we could be getting on with the workout! Just my opinion, do with it what you will!

7. Avoid working small muscle groups

I see a lot people come into the gym (mainly teenagers) and straight away head over to the dumbells to work on their bicep curls. The thing with biceps is they are some of the smallest muscles in our body. Therefore the heart doesn't have to work too hard to pump blood to the bicep area because the workload is just not that hard. Alternatively, do some leg, glute (butt) and back exercises and then tell me where your heart rate is at!

6. Interval training with your cardio is ideal (in most cases)

Interval training means you might do say 50% for one minute and then 100% for the next minute and continue for as long as you feel able. This is a great way to get the heart rate up (which will increase calories burnt off and overall fitness). However, if joint problems are something you have to deal with (for example, previous injuries/overweight/not used to regular exercise) then my suggestion is start with the longer, continuous, slower stuff (say anywhere up to 2 hours at about 50-60% of max heart rate) and work some intervals in as you get more comfortable.

5. Leave your ego/insecurities at home.

Here's a tip: no one is looking at you! I know you think they are but guess what? They aren't!
And the funny thing whilst you're spending the whole time thinking that they are looking at you, they are spending the whole time thinking that you are looking at them!
Don't get self conscious, just do what needs to be done.

4. Training partners are great but are they as dedicated as you?

Some people tell me they will see some great results because they are training with their friend. But what happens when that friend is sick? Or doesn't want to go that day? Or moves away? Or gets sick of the gym? My experience is that the other person stops also. Training partners are great but just make sure you are on the same page. Hiring a personal trainer is more beneficial because it is their job to be there for you!

3. It's all about quality, not quantity!

One or two 20 minute sessions each week is better than no hour sessions each week...believe it or not! Don't feel that if you can only give 20-30 minutes to the gym that it wouldn't be beneficial. It will be of great benefit (and I betcha as soon as you walk through the doors for your 20 minute session you will end up staying longer!)

2. It's not about what you're wearing.

I remember once, a friend of a friend was starting at a new gym but they weren't going to go until they had bought all the latest gym clothes! This person only lasted about 2 weeks. Remember, no one is looking at you!

1. Tomorrow is another day!

Whenever you fall off the wagon and feel like you have completely gone backwards with your gym program, the best thing you can do is just get back on the horse and get back into it! Forget about the past (you can't change what has happened, however you can change what will happen)

So there's my list of things you should be doing (or not doing) in the gym.

I would love your comments.

What would you add to the list (or maybe what would you not have put in?)

Let me know.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Friday, October 9, 2009

There's 168 hours in a week (13/20)

There are 168 hours in each week.

Let's say we work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week = 40 hours.

Leaves us 128 hours/week

Let's say we sleep 8 hours/night (as we should be) = 56 hours

Leaves us 72 hours

Let's say we watch 2.5 hours TV a day (not unrealistic, I don't think) = 17.5 hours

Leaves us 54.5 hours

half hour for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner = 1.5 x 7 days = 10.5 hours

Leaves us 44 hours

Let's say we spend 1.5 hours each day in the car (maybe more, maybe less) = 10.5 hours

Leaves us 33.5 hours.

Let's say we spend one hour/day dropping kids to day care/school/work/uni = 7 hours

Leaves us 26.5 hours

At this point I think I have covered all the major things that consume our time.

We are then left with 26.5 hours a week for all the good stuff.

Such as: Family time, Loved ones, recreation, relaxation, socialising and of course exercise!

Next time someone tells you 'there's not enough time in the week to exercise and look after your health'...

Tell him he's dreamin'!

I would love your thoughts.

Keep intensity high and excuses low
Matt Collins

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If I was 20 again I would... (12/20)

Hi folks,

No insightfulness (is that a word?) today.

I want to hear from you.

I am putting together a book called:

If I was 20 again I would...

It will be a book about what we would do differently if we had our time over.

I would love to have you contribute to the book.

And who knows, if I can find a publisher that thinks it will sell you may see your comments in every book store in Australia, or even the world, or even Oprah!!!

One step at a time, eh Matt!

Anyway, get your thoughts in.

The best ones will be added to the book.

Just click the comment button below and start your comment with:

If I was 20 again I would...

Keep intensty high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kids know how to do it (11/20)

KID: "Please mum, can I have a lollie"?

MUM: "No"

KID: "Please mum, can I have a lollie"?

MUM: "No"

KID: "But I really want one, I'll be good, I promise!"

MUM: "I said already...NO"!

KID: "Please mum, I won't ask for anything else, I just want one lollie!"

MUM: Arrgghh!!!

KID: "Please, Please, Please!

MUM: "Ohhhh, if it stops you annoying me, OK, yes you can have a lollie!"

KID: "Thanks mum, you are the best"!

Is this familiar to anyone???

Kids are great at getting what they want.

They figure out what it is they want and they will stop at nothing until they get it.

Sure they become a little irritating, but they still get what they want.

No matter how many "NO's" they receive, they persevere until they hear the "YES" they are after.

Why, as adults, do we lose this characterisitic?

As adults, any sign of someone telling us NO and we give up just like that!

We may have a great idea in our head but someone tells us it is a silly idea, so we give up in a heart beat!

What happened to the child like perserverance?

That never say die attitude?

It seems as adults we are programmed to accept someone else's opinion as the gospel and therefore we forget about any of our grand plans.

Here's my advice (for what it is worth) Not everybody has your best interests at heart (and even if they do, it doesn't mean what they are suggesting to you is what you need to hear.)

Family members are a prime example of this.

Yes they love you but it doesn't mean they know what is best for you.

Only you can know that.

So, never take NO for an answer.

"But Matt what if 1000 people tell me it is a crap idea?"

Colonel Sanders went to over 1000 service station restaurants before someone finally bought his chicken recipe.

Over 1000!

Lucky he didn't take NO for an answer or we would never have been able to experience KFC.

Lucky us.

If you have a great idea and you think the world would be a better place for it, then get it out there and tell as many people as possible about it.

Never take no for an answer.

If they say NO, you say NEXT!

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chasing your tail (10/20)

Ever have those days when you feel you just haven't accomplished anything?

No matter how hard (or smart) you work you just can't seem to get ahead..

You feel like you are constantly going around in circles.

Chasing your tail.

Has your TO DO list been the same things for a while now?

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.

Give your life a reason to do differently.

If you continue to do the same, don't expect different.

What do you need to do differently to make some positive changes?

Let me know.

Let me keep you accountable!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free stuff sucks (9/20)

Of all the free stuff you have ever received, how much of it have you actually used and seen the benefits from in your life?

Sure, free food/money/beer/etc is always appealing, but I am not talking about that so much.

I am talking about choosing between something for free or (wait for it...) actually paying for it!

Here is an example:

If you jumped on the Tony Robbins website (world reknown motivaton speaker) would you go for the FREE 48 page document on living your best life which you can download straight away or would you sign up for the $4000 whole week renovate your life program?

If you chose the free document is changing your life with Tony Robbins really that much of a priority to you?

There is really no commitment from you is there?

Whether you read that booklet or not it doesn't really matter because it didn't cost you anything.

However, buy the big $4000 package and you will put every waking hour into making sure you see the benefits from it!

Until you really make a commitment to achieving your chosen goal you will not be willing to put any of your 'hard earned' into it.

BUT when that time comes and you REALLY , REALLY want to see some changes in that particular area you will only be too happy to sign up (and pay for) the program because the FREE program just wont cut it.

I see it all the time in gyms.

The people that are genuinely ready to make some huge changes to their health and fitness understand there will be some investment involved. They are not looking for the cheapest option because they know it just wont get them to where they want to be.

I understand some people might accept the free program initally before they make a larger investment just to make sure they are dealing with the right people.

And that is a smart thing to do.

My arguement is directed at the person who will get that free program and then do nothing else because that is as much commitment as they are prepared to put into that goal.

Let me know your thoughts about getting something for free versus having to pay for it.

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

5 things you won't hear from your mum (but you should still hear) (8/20)

My experience is that people love lists!
We like things simple and easy.

We would much rather get our info in small bite size chunks rather than cipher through page upon page of material.

And the other thing about lists is people want to see what is in the top ten or what is the number onoe.

So, hear it is.

The list to top all lists:

The top five things you will never hear from your mother (but you should still hear)

5. Not everybody loves you.

Some people out there (for what ever reason) just don't take a shine to you. It may not be that you have done something to them to justify their feelings but they will still feel that way. It may be that they are jealous of you in some way.

This is totally cool.

Nothing you can do about it. However, some of us will do our utmost (females mainly, in my experience) to get that person to like us.

Forget about it.

Don't make their problem yours.

4. Take risks

We touched on risks earlier this week so I won't go into too much detail. However, I can not stress enough the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and doing stuff that really makes your socks pull up by themselves!

Anyone that you see that is at the top of their field didn't get there by sticking to the comfort zone.

If you live your life in the comfort zone sooner or later you will be overtaken by all the people that would not accept comfortable as good enough

Good enough is never good enough!

3. Don't go to uni and it doesn't really matter what grades you get at school.

What is wrong with getting good grades and going to uni?

There is nothing wrong with doing these things in your life, however, the question I want people to dwell on is this:

Do you really need that piece of paper to do the things you REALLY want to do in your life?

Yes, if I want to get a good job.

Ok, but do you really want a job?

Robert Kiyosaki (of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame) says "Why would you go to uni and get good grades so you can climb the corporate ladder...why not OWN the ladder these guys are trying to climb"

Another perspective comes from American comedian Chris Rock "Here is the difference between RICH and WEALTHY, Shaquille Oneill (famous NBA basketball player) is RICH, but the guy that pays his wage is WEALTHY!"

I am not trying to persuade you either way, just throwing it out there.

2. Don't buy a house , this is NOT the best investment.

Like number three, this may raise a few eyebrows (that is kind of the point).

Again, I am not trying to persuade my readers either way but more so to throw these things out there and at the very least get you to wrap your thoughts around other options (rather than just being a sheep and following the masses)

Remember if you do what everyone else does, you will get what everyone else gets.

And how boring would that be!

Ok, so what's wrong with buying a house?

Nothing, but there are other options.

Lets look at that word 'investment'.

The word investment means (or at least means something along the lines of) a product that puts money IN your pocket.

On the other hand, a liability is something that takes money OUT of your pocket.

These descriptions are obviously very simply put and I am NOT for one minute pretending to be a financial guru by any stretch.

Investment = money IN pocket
Liability = money OUT of pocket.

Ok, So you get yourself a mortgage and then for the next x number of years your are paying that mortgage off (money out of your pocket)

You then have interest on top of that mortgage (money out of your pocket)

There are also rates/body corp to pay (money out of pocket)

And then when it comes time to do some renovations (more money out of pocket)


That is obviously not my decision to make for you (always talk to qualified professional when dealing with your finances - not some egotistical 30 year old)

I just thought I would pop that little investment thought bubble in your head (fair chance your mum wouldn't of!)

1. Don't wait for your turn to talk and don't always use your manners.

Now, I am very big on manners. My (almost) six year old is always pulled up if he doesn't use his please's and his thankyou's.

That side of the whole manners thing I am big on.

Where I think we can be a little more flexible is when we are chasing our goals.

Have you heard the saying nice guys finished last?

It is a commonly used saying because it is regularly proven in our every day life.

If you want something in life go out there and get it.

Yes, have ethics and Yes, have integrity but at the same time don't be the guy that everyone pushes to the side because they know that you are accepting of that.

As Billy Joel said after a New York concert "Don't take any shit from anybody"

So there you have it. My list of five top things you will never hear from your mother (but I still think it is beneficial that they are said)

Do you agree with these things?

Yes or no is totally cool.

I would love to know your thoughts on these things (good or bad)

If you would like to share your thoughts just click the comment button below.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What about me (7/20)

This great song made famous by Shannon Noll and before him ... ??? (help me out) is the theme song for a lot of people's lives (especially in this country).

"What about me, It isn't fair"

They are constantly on about what they haven't got or what they didn't get.

"Why did Sarah get that raise and I didn't."

"Why is Johnny so lucky, he always seems to get what he wants".

"Look at Lucy, she is so pretty, it is so unfair".

"Look at Matt, he is so handsome, good looking, muscular, smart and humble"!

The funny part of it is, they are probably looking at some component of your life and thinking the same envious thoughts.

Having the mindset that other people are in some way superior to you really restricts your growth as a person.

Do you think Tiger Woods sets up at the driving range before a big tournament and says "oh my god, look at Greg Norman over there, he is such a great driver of the ball, why can't I be like that"?

No, I would suggest Tiger does not have those thoughts because he is the greatest golfer to ever walk this planet.

I know that, you know that and guess who else knows that?

Tiger knows that.

(What a cool name by the way) Tiger!

Tiger knows he is the best in the world and his mindset/thoughts/actions portray this.

He is a winner, whether he wins the tournament or not.

It all stems back to our thoughts and our mindset.

And the choices we make.

No one else can make a choice for us.

It is one of the true things we can really call our own.

Our choices are ours and ours only.

To quote a friend of mine, Craig Harper, he says "you have the choice to choose the chicken salad or the double whopper with cheese. You have that choice. You choose whether to get upset and cry about the suggestions I am making or you can make some positive changes to your life. You have that choice"

So, how you feel about someone else and about what they get in life compared to what you get is entirely your choice.

You can choose to get upset and continue to dwell on why (you think) they are better than you (option 1)

Or you can choose to be happy for them and all their successes in life knowing that you also have a lot of major positives in your life (option 2)

(Option 2 is the right answer if you are playing at home.)

You choose the feelings you are having.

You choose whether to be happy, sad, excited or depressed.

Events, weather, finances, work, boss, partner, kids, dog, etc don't determine how you feel.

Only you can choose this.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mum doesn't want me on a motorbike (6/20)

My five year old son was extremely excited when I told him that I was thinking of purchasing a motorbike.

However, he made the mistake of telling his nana (my mum).

Although it was funny to hear a 50+ woman and a 5 year old getting into a verbal battle over whether I would buy a motor bike or not!

Ever since the 'great debate' was had, mum constantly reminds me that she doesn't want to see me on a motorbike and that I would be a lot 'safer' if I didn't get one.

Mum is more than qualified to make these statements as my father came off his bike several times during his 'riding days'.

In fact, when they got married dad had both arms and one leg in plaster (true story!)

Not that riding a motorbike was the eventual demise for my dad (we can blame his lifestyle choices of excessive alcohol, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle for that).

I don't tell you this for the sympathy but more in the hope that it helps someone else make some positive changes for their (and their families) health.

Let's talk about the whole 'staying safe' thing.

Mum doesn't want me on a motorbike because it is unsafe.

Ok, fair enough.

But what about the 'adventurous, risk-taking, out of the comfort zone' part of my life that needs to be regularly fed (as does everyone's).

What ever happened to taking risks.

Risks are good.

We have to take risks in our life to be able to grow as a person.

Do you think the first guy to challenge the belief that the world was flat (Ferdinand Magellan) was taking a risk?


Do you think his mum told him that she didn't want him to go?


But he did it anyway.

And thankfully he did. He made that HUGE dicovery that has sinced changed the world and the way in which every person views it.

He took the risk and not only did he grow as a person but so did the whole planet. (Just for the record, Magellan died before the journey was complete, but you know where I'm coming from)

You haven't got to look far to see other people that took huge risks and the world benefitted from it:

The first men to walk on the moon.

risk, but great reward.

The first black lady to take a front seat on the bus normally occupied by whites only (Rosa Parks).

risk, but great reward.

The first person to realise they could drink what comes out of the cows udder.

risk, but great reward?

For every great risk, there is great reward.

A terrific story of risk comes from Sir Richard Branson.

It was a time in the Virgin life when the Virgin airline was getting a lot of unfair negative press (mostly derived from other airlines) saying that Virgin was going under and they couldn't afford to repay loans or pay for airplane fuel, etc.

The Virgin airline was in trouble.

In the same week, the Rolling Stones (only the greatest rock and roll band EVER - bar none, in case you were wondering) were looking for new producers.

Richard Branson decided it was too big an opportunity to miss and he bought the Stones for a lazy $100 MILLION.

Imagine that.

Let's put it in to perspective.

Let's say you have just been told your boss is cutting back and needs to 'downsize'.

Your name is thrown in the ring as a potential employee to be chopped.

At that point you then go out and buy a second house.

Big risk!

Sure, it was a risk for Branson. But with it came a great reward.

I believe sometimes we get so hung up on the risks of doing things that we forget just how enjoyable the reward will be.

Let's do some comparisons:

Risk of flying vs the reward of seeing some of the most incredible countries and places this planet has to offer.

Risk of losing money by setting up a new business vs the reward of a flourishing business that allows you to reinvest in other ventures.

Risk of getting burned in a relationship vs the reward of finding someone you are truly happy spending time with.

I really believe there isn't too many cases where the reward doesn't far out way the potential risk.

So mum, whether I decide to get on a motorbike or not is yet to be decided. But I want you to know that if I do, I am aware of your concern (as any good mother would be) and I hope that after reading this (if you read it) you will understand why I have made that choice in my life.
Let me know about the risks you are going to (or have) taken.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Friday, September 25, 2009

Courage is being rooly, rooly scared and jumping in anyway!

Do you run from the scary situations in your life or do you confront them head on?

Fight or flight?

The great thing about jumping in the deep end of certain situations in your life is at some point they will no longer be scary, because it will just be what you do.

Remember back to when you first started learning to drive a car.

You are in the driver's seat for the first time and the driving instructor is explaining to you how it all works.

You are completely out of your depth and you have no idea how you are ever going to have the freedom of driving by yourself, because it is just so hard!

You even contemplate just getting your automatic license because you have now stalled the learner car seventeen times (just in your street)!

But you soldier on, and after fifteen lessons and two failed attempts (or is that just me?), you finally get your very own drivers license!

Looking back now, ten, twenty, thirty (or more) years on you can laugh at just how hard it was to do something that now you don't even think about.

In fact, sometimes you can go for a drive, get to your destination and think to yourself:

"How did I get here"?

"Did I really just drive here"?

"I can't remember driving here"!

Something that was once impossible, is now just a daily thing you do (sometimes, without even thinking!)

Here's my personal example of jumping in the deep end:

When I first met Shannan (Biggest Loser Trainer) at the airport I was nervous as hell!

I had sweaty palms, I was stuttering and I was over-analysing every little aspect of the day ahead.

Even when we were in the car on the drive back to the PCYC I was still very jittery and perplexed.

Not that I ever showed it!

A regular James Bond!

It wasn't until about an hour and a half into the day that I had started to calm down a little, begun to relax and focus on what my role/s were for the big day.

By the third hour into the Shannan day I was probably 90% comfortable (still a little star-struck, but pretty cool, calm and collected)

Just my usual self.


Fast forward to the end of the day when I was sitting around the table with Shannan and all the hard working team from the day. 
We were all sharing laughs, stories and a nice, cold (well deserved) beer.

At this point, I was genuinely comfortable with the situation and everything around me.

Moral of ths story is, for every scary, daunting, seemingly impossible task it will always become a pretty mediocre task the more you confront it.

This is how you grow as a person, confronting difficult situations and conquering them.
No matter how hard and no matter how many people tell you that it can't be done

And there will always be plenty of those people.

Sometimes, those closest to you are the worst culprits.

Do you think if you swam with sharks every day of your life your body would express the same fearful emotions as someone standing on the edge of the tank waiting to meet the 'great whites' for the first time?

Probably not.

Therefore the more you introduce yourself to these scary situations, the less scary they become.

I would love to know what scary situation you are going to make a not so scary situation in your life.

Hit the comment button below.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Throw the scales out the window (4/20)

Today, I want to draw your thoughts to the humble set of scales.

Or, to be more specific I have renamed them to the "this can't be right's" cause that what everyone says when they get on.

Jumping on the scales is a very emotional thing for a lot of people, in fact I am sure just by reading this some people are conjouring up negative thoughts in their mind.

But why is standing on a stationary machine such a bad experience?

Does it move about and make you feel queezy?


Does it have a built in voice box that says stuff when you stand on it.


Does it send through electric shocks if you go over a certain weight?

Wrong again.

So what does the scales do that is so bad?

What does it do that causes millions of people across the globe to run in the other direction screaming "get that thing away from me" when they set eyes on it?

I have come to the conclusion that the scales isn't the one that has the problem, rather we are.

Let me throw this situation at you:

You realise you are carrying excess body fat and you approach the local fitness centre to make some changes.

The personal trainer tells you to exercise 6 times a week and switch to a calorie controlled food plan.

You immediately get stuck into it.

You train the house down, working your butt off (literally) and eating perfectly.

Every time you get dressed in the morning your clothes are falling off you, you are feeling better than ever and you have had to move your belt hole in 3 times!

People don't recognise you in the street because you look so much better.

Every where you go you have a spring in your step!

The trainer contacts you and says it is time for your monthly weigh in.

At this point, do you think your thoughts would be of dread and despair of yet another negative experience on the scales?

Or, would it be a feeling of achievement, a feeling of all that hard work paying off!  Would it be that you couldn't wait until that monthly weigh in so you can jump on the scales and share a high five with your trainer!

Scales aren't so bad after all.

My thoughts are when  you jump on the scales you already have a fair indication in your head of just how good (or bad) the numbers are going to be.

A set of scales is not like the Las Vegas roulette table, you can't jump on the scales, cross your fingers and hope that the number is just going to (magically) be 5 less than when you jumped on a month ago.

I couldn't tell you how much I weigh because it has been so long since I was on a set.

What I can tell you, is that training regularly and eating well (most of the time) is the key to LONG TERM health and fitness.

Not just for a couple of weeks (or until your holiday to Spain) but for the rest of your life!

If you stick to these two rules, you have the answer!

And if you stick to these two rules, I really don't know what use you would have for a set of scales?

Because it wouldn't matter what your weight, you would just stick to the two rules, right?

I would love your thoughts.

Hit the comment button below.

Keep intensty high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

commitment (3/20)

Minimal actions gives minimal results.

Here's my thoughts (and agree or disagree, that's totally cool. I would love to hear your response)

Somebody comes to a gym to purchase a 3 month membership.

The sales team at the counter explain that this is actually the most expensive option (per week) and that a long term commitment like 12  months is the way to go financially (/week). Plus it shows that you are ready to rip in! and see some big improvements.

The customer suggests that they just want to "see how they go" and they stick with the three months option.

From my experience, the people that purchase a three month membership do so for one (or more) of a number of reasons:

  • Cheapest option
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Doing what their friends did
  • Only in town for 3 months
  • Want to make sure they like that particular gym before making a longer commitment
However, the majority of 3 month membership customers make the purchase because they just want to "see how they go"

Let's look at that phrase "see how I go"

What does "see how I go" mean?

I don't think I will stick to a gym program because I haven't had a lot of success sticking to gym programs in the past.

Maybe this time I will stick to it and really make some changes.


Why is it maybe?

The choice is yours baby!

There isn't some magical fairy that decides whether you stick to a gym program or not.

I wonder if a heart surgeon goes in to do an operation and starts with "ok, let's see how we go today" Maybe it'll work out and maybe it won't"

I suggest not.

Now, are your workouts as important as someone receiving a heart transplate, I'll let you answer that one.

My suggestion is that those people are going about it all wrong.

There has to be some sort of a plan in your head as to how your health and fitness routine is going to go.

It is no surprise that people doing personal training come to the gym more regularly, because their trainer has set up a regular plan for how often they should be coming in and what they should be doing when they come in.

I am not pushing personal training products, rather pushing the fact that having a plan around how your gym membership is going to fit into your busy schedule with all the stressors that you have in your life is going to put you in a lot better position.

Can I make this suggestion, when you think you are ready to get stuck into some sort of fitness activity, ask yourself this question...

Am I ready to change some stuff in my life and I am willing to accept that change in my life?

Somebody might purchase a membership but not really be ready to change other things in their life they have already to commited to.

For example, if a smoker wants to stop smoking but they are not ready to change the friends they hang around (because the friends all still smoke) they will probably not last long as a non smoker.

Let's look at it another way:

If I see someone in the street that has stopped coming to the gym they may tell me their reasons (excuses) for stopping:

  • Just didn't have the time
  • I couldn't fit it in around work
  • Lost the motivation
  • got too busy with the kids
So, why wasn't there some sort of plan to combat these things?

Especially if you have done the gym thing before , because you would know what you are like and therefore you could combat these excuses before they arise and before they become your downfall.

So have a plan of attack!

Make a commitment, not just to the gym, but to yourself!

I know for a lot of you I am talking to the converted. If this is the case maybe you know someone who needs to hear it?

In any case I look forward to your thoughts and your response.

Just click the comment button below.

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Poor me (2/20)

Hi team,

Do you know someone who is more than happy to take the gratitude for a job well done, but if things don't go so well it was always some one else's fault?

I think we all know someone like this.

I believe the true character of a person is not revealed when we are going good but rather when things aren't going so swimmingly.

Life is easy when you've got a good job, money, nice house, well-behaving kids, great partner, good friends - things are great! - Of course you are a great person when all these things are happening.

A regular Nelson Mandela.

But, who do you turn into when all these things aren't in such a fine state?

When you have a bad day at work (or lose your job completely), lose a great deal of money in a so called "sure thing" investment, kids go back to normal and misbehave, partner is up you about one hundred different things and all your friends have gone to Bali without you!

Who do you become then?

Because this is the true test of who you are as a person.

There seems to be at least one person like this in everyone's life.

No matter what time of the day, week, month, year, decade - they are always having a bad time.

(I see a familiar face in town) I say "How are you going"?

They say "Oh yeah, could be better"

I say "Oh, that's no good" (and secretly I think to myself, please don't tell me the 400 reasons why you are having a bad day)

They say "yeh, my cat died, my wife is a pain, my knee hurts, my boss is on my back" (I think, here they go, as I nod and offer regular signs of concern...genuine signs of course)

So, now, not only are they having a less than perfect day but I have dropped a couple of positive cogs also,

Thanks for that!

Let me add, it is not that I don't care about these people. I care greatly about all people that exist in my world and I love to hear about them and their world. What I don't care to hear about is all the excuses they use to justify not giving 100% to a little thing called their life!

This life is not the warm up, you won't be back for a second audition (I don't think)

Make the most of what you have now.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

Monday, September 21, 2009

Never too late.

Retirement age in Australia is approx 60.

So if you started working at 20, by the age of 40 you are only half way through your working life.

Only half way!

Funny, the majority of people I talk to tell me that at the age of 40 they are too old to start any new venture/job or try anything they dreamed of doing as a child.

"I missed my chance"

But the reality is at age 40 you are only just getting started!

I believe the reason we get into this mindset of 'I'm too old' is because at that 'middle age' part of our life we have commited to bank loans/car loans/mortgages/kids/investments/etc and therefore we are 'locked in' to the current job we have because it is too risky to start something new and potentially not be as financially stable as we are in our current position.

So how do we work around this small problem?

First thing I would suggest is don't adopt the mindset of 'all or nothing'.

Don't go up to your boss tomorrow and tell him to stick his job! This does nothing for your long term future (however, it would probably feel bloody good)

If you are not happy in your current position, rather than quit immediately, make sure you have something to fall back on before you pull the pin.

For example, if you are interested in photography but you are stuck in a 9-5 office job, why not start an after hours photography course at tafe, online or by correspondence.

Or volunteer in a business that is related to your industry of passion.

As long as you are making the baby steps to a better life!

Remember, the only way to eat an bite at a time!

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Get off the comfort couch

First off, I have added a photo of the greatest personal training team on the Sunshine Coast and some random guy that just thought he would jump in the shot!

Seriously, the Shannan day (Shannan Ponton - the trainer from the Biggest Loser) was a HUGE event and I need to thank each and every person that took time out of their busy schedules to listen to the man speak for an hour plus, plus.

Another big hats off to the fatburners team and Sgt Marty Hunt + PCYC team for all their energy and enthusiasm.

This event would not have happened without you guys.

A final well done to all the people that took part in the fitness session with Shannan.

We had to bring in the emergency flood team due to the amount of sweat that was expelled!

A lot of valuable info was passed on during Shannan's talk but the one thing that shined through for me was that we all must get out of our comfort zones.

We tend to like it in the little comfort bubble we call life.

But our comfort zone doesn't allow us to expand, grow and generally rise to the next level.

So what do you need to do to get off your 'life lounge' or 'comfort couch'?

I want to hear from you. What do you need to do to grow as a person?

Hit reply and tell me what you are going to do to get out of your comfort zone.

Here's mine...

I will write at least one entry on this site every working day for the next 4 weeks.

Whether it is worthy of your readership or not is another question.

So, starting this Monday 21 September 2009 I will commit to this site for the next month.

The long term goal is to make this a daily thing...

time will tell.

Let's see how I go sticking to the first month initially.

So, here's to my 'out of the comfort zone' journey. It'd be great to have you come for the ride.

Leave a comment and tell me what you're going to do.

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins