Wednesday, September 30, 2009

5 things you won't hear from your mum (but you should still hear) (8/20)

My experience is that people love lists!
We like things simple and easy.

We would much rather get our info in small bite size chunks rather than cipher through page upon page of material.

And the other thing about lists is people want to see what is in the top ten or what is the number onoe.

So, hear it is.

The list to top all lists:

The top five things you will never hear from your mother (but you should still hear)

5. Not everybody loves you.

Some people out there (for what ever reason) just don't take a shine to you. It may not be that you have done something to them to justify their feelings but they will still feel that way. It may be that they are jealous of you in some way.

This is totally cool.

Nothing you can do about it. However, some of us will do our utmost (females mainly, in my experience) to get that person to like us.

Forget about it.

Don't make their problem yours.

4. Take risks

We touched on risks earlier this week so I won't go into too much detail. However, I can not stress enough the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and doing stuff that really makes your socks pull up by themselves!

Anyone that you see that is at the top of their field didn't get there by sticking to the comfort zone.

If you live your life in the comfort zone sooner or later you will be overtaken by all the people that would not accept comfortable as good enough

Good enough is never good enough!

3. Don't go to uni and it doesn't really matter what grades you get at school.

What is wrong with getting good grades and going to uni?

There is nothing wrong with doing these things in your life, however, the question I want people to dwell on is this:

Do you really need that piece of paper to do the things you REALLY want to do in your life?

Yes, if I want to get a good job.

Ok, but do you really want a job?

Robert Kiyosaki (of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame) says "Why would you go to uni and get good grades so you can climb the corporate ladder...why not OWN the ladder these guys are trying to climb"

Another perspective comes from American comedian Chris Rock "Here is the difference between RICH and WEALTHY, Shaquille Oneill (famous NBA basketball player) is RICH, but the guy that pays his wage is WEALTHY!"

I am not trying to persuade you either way, just throwing it out there.

2. Don't buy a house , this is NOT the best investment.

Like number three, this may raise a few eyebrows (that is kind of the point).

Again, I am not trying to persuade my readers either way but more so to throw these things out there and at the very least get you to wrap your thoughts around other options (rather than just being a sheep and following the masses)

Remember if you do what everyone else does, you will get what everyone else gets.

And how boring would that be!

Ok, so what's wrong with buying a house?

Nothing, but there are other options.

Lets look at that word 'investment'.

The word investment means (or at least means something along the lines of) a product that puts money IN your pocket.

On the other hand, a liability is something that takes money OUT of your pocket.

These descriptions are obviously very simply put and I am NOT for one minute pretending to be a financial guru by any stretch.

Investment = money IN pocket
Liability = money OUT of pocket.

Ok, So you get yourself a mortgage and then for the next x number of years your are paying that mortgage off (money out of your pocket)

You then have interest on top of that mortgage (money out of your pocket)

There are also rates/body corp to pay (money out of pocket)

And then when it comes time to do some renovations (more money out of pocket)


That is obviously not my decision to make for you (always talk to qualified professional when dealing with your finances - not some egotistical 30 year old)

I just thought I would pop that little investment thought bubble in your head (fair chance your mum wouldn't of!)

1. Don't wait for your turn to talk and don't always use your manners.

Now, I am very big on manners. My (almost) six year old is always pulled up if he doesn't use his please's and his thankyou's.

That side of the whole manners thing I am big on.

Where I think we can be a little more flexible is when we are chasing our goals.

Have you heard the saying nice guys finished last?

It is a commonly used saying because it is regularly proven in our every day life.

If you want something in life go out there and get it.

Yes, have ethics and Yes, have integrity but at the same time don't be the guy that everyone pushes to the side because they know that you are accepting of that.

As Billy Joel said after a New York concert "Don't take any shit from anybody"

So there you have it. My list of five top things you will never hear from your mother (but I still think it is beneficial that they are said)

Do you agree with these things?

Yes or no is totally cool.

I would love to know your thoughts on these things (good or bad)

If you would like to share your thoughts just click the comment button below.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

1 comment:

Briohny said...

It depends why you buy a house and I guess this refers back to your blog about choices. I love our house, sitting on the patio have a cold one...water not beer (for 10 weeks anyway).

Uni / Tafe / study is great and I recommend it to everyone. It totally gets you out of your comfort zone and can change your thinking / approach to situations.