Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if (16/20)

It seems the last couple of posts I have done have cause quite a stir!
I have no problems with comments (both positive and negative). That is why I put this site together. To get the readers thinking beyond the norm. I appreciate all of your comments and I post them all (as long as there is no excessive swearing or unproductive criticism). So keep them coming!

On another note, if you have been reading my ramblings for a while, you will know I am a big fan of Melbourne trainer/motivational speaker/lifestyle adjuster, Craig Harper.
Craig owns the biggest personal training complex in the country, he has a regular spot on the '9am show' and he writes a daily blog (like me, however he has thousands and thousands of's nice to dream!)

Anyway, Craig is on his way to (the best east coast state) QLD for a full one day 'Renovate Your Body' workshop. He has asked me to tell all fatburners members/family/friends that if you are interested and you book before Wed 21 Oct you will get a 30% discount bringing the total price down to only $136!

All the fatburners trainers will be there on the day, so it'd be great if you could join us (you will not be disappointed!)

Check it out here:

On with today's entry,

I like to see people's reactions when you throw a challenge at them.

Especially when the challenge is a really challenging challenge! (I am aware of the 'not the bestest' grammar)

Some people run a mile, some people get excited, some people go quiet, some people say "this is dumb" and walk away, some people (without even giving it a go) will tell you all the reasons why it wont work.

But then there are other people who go straight to the "what ifs"

"What if it doesn't work?"

"What if she falls off"?

"What if we get lost"?

"What if I lose all my money"?

"What if I die"?

I am well aware that people need to think of the worse case scenario to make sure they have looked at both sides of the coin before they go jumping into a major decision, but my arguement is:

Are we looking at the positive and the negative sides evenly?

Or are we focusing all our attention on just the negative side?

"What if this happens, what if that happens..."

Here's a thought:

What if it goes so darn great that it is the best thing that has ever happened in your whole life!

You would then look back and be glad that you jumped in the deep end and didn't let all the "what ifs" talk you out of it.

I look forward to hearing about an instance when you jumped in the deep end and didn't listen to all the "what ifs"!

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

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