Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Poor me (2/20)

Hi team,

Do you know someone who is more than happy to take the gratitude for a job well done, but if things don't go so well it was always some one else's fault?

I think we all know someone like this.

I believe the true character of a person is not revealed when we are going good but rather when things aren't going so swimmingly.

Life is easy when you've got a good job, money, nice house, well-behaving kids, great partner, good friends - things are great! - Of course you are a great person when all these things are happening.

A regular Nelson Mandela.

But, who do you turn into when all these things aren't in such a fine state?

When you have a bad day at work (or lose your job completely), lose a great deal of money in a so called "sure thing" investment, kids go back to normal and misbehave, partner is up you about one hundred different things and all your friends have gone to Bali without you!

Who do you become then?

Because this is the true test of who you are as a person.

There seems to be at least one person like this in everyone's life.

No matter what time of the day, week, month, year, decade - they are always having a bad time.

(I see a familiar face in town) I say "How are you going"?

They say "Oh yeah, could be better"

I say "Oh, that's no good" (and secretly I think to myself, please don't tell me the 400 reasons why you are having a bad day)

They say "yeh, my cat died, my wife is a pain, my knee hurts, my boss is on my back" (I think, here they go, as I nod and offer regular signs of concern...genuine signs of course)

So, now, not only are they having a less than perfect day but I have dropped a couple of positive cogs also,

Thanks for that!

Let me add, it is not that I don't care about these people. I care greatly about all people that exist in my world and I love to hear about them and their world. What I don't care to hear about is all the excuses they use to justify not giving 100% to a little thing called their life!

This life is not the warm up, you won't be back for a second audition (I don't think)

Make the most of what you have now.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins


Alice said...

Hi Matt.
I'm guilty of that! next time I will refresh my listener by consiously thinking about my answer to 'how are you?'... will have a positive answer waiting!

Yes, character building takes character life experiences. choose a challenge, don't wait for them to choose you! Thanx Matt. A

Briohny said...

As Dr. Phil says..'Get excited about your life' and for me - don't be afraid to share the good times with friends because you think they'll say something negative about it....probably jealous anyway!!