Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free stuff sucks (9/20)

Of all the free stuff you have ever received, how much of it have you actually used and seen the benefits from in your life?

Sure, free food/money/beer/etc is always appealing, but I am not talking about that so much.

I am talking about choosing between something for free or (wait for it...) actually paying for it!

Here is an example:

If you jumped on the Tony Robbins website (world reknown motivaton speaker) would you go for the FREE 48 page document on living your best life which you can download straight away or would you sign up for the $4000 whole week renovate your life program?

If you chose the free document is changing your life with Tony Robbins really that much of a priority to you?

There is really no commitment from you is there?

Whether you read that booklet or not it doesn't really matter because it didn't cost you anything.

However, buy the big $4000 package and you will put every waking hour into making sure you see the benefits from it!

Until you really make a commitment to achieving your chosen goal you will not be willing to put any of your 'hard earned' into it.

BUT when that time comes and you REALLY , REALLY want to see some changes in that particular area you will only be too happy to sign up (and pay for) the program because the FREE program just wont cut it.

I see it all the time in gyms.

The people that are genuinely ready to make some huge changes to their health and fitness understand there will be some investment involved. They are not looking for the cheapest option because they know it just wont get them to where they want to be.

I understand some people might accept the free program initally before they make a larger investment just to make sure they are dealing with the right people.

And that is a smart thing to do.

My arguement is directed at the person who will get that free program and then do nothing else because that is as much commitment as they are prepared to put into that goal.

Let me know your thoughts about getting something for free versus having to pay for it.

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thats a very black and white way of looking at commitment. Just because someone doesn't commit themselves completely to something doesn't mean they're not going to eventually commit themselves on a larger scale. I've seen many people including myself commit to gym memberships in the belief that it will be used frequently because a lot was paid for it. Some people think that way and it works for them, others need coaxing for watever life reasons they have. Some people know what they're capable of and others don't. I imagine Tony Robins book for free is to coax such people. Your possibly way past such encouragement and maybe you were never one to need such it but I assure you there are many of us out there that do and the black and white logical thinking is ineffective for us.