Monday, October 12, 2009

Top 10 things you should be doing in the gym (14/20)

It seems everyone has an opinion on how best to train in the gym.

Much the same as every year at Melbourne cup time we all become expert punters!

So here is my list:

10. Leave your excuses at the door
Honestly, no one really cares about the troubles in your life (they have troubles of their own) If you are going to make the effort to come the the gym, make the most out of it! Work hard and see the results!

9. Go to the gym because you want to. (not because your doctor/friend/wife/husband/neighbour said you should)

'The gym thing' will only become a permanent fixture in your life if it is something you are ready and willing to take on. I see it too many times, a wife will buy their husband a voucher to the gym for xmas/birthday and whilst they mean well it just doesn't get used. We have to WANT to do it!

8. Take your water around with you (if you need it at all)

I am not suggesting to dehydrate yourself, but let's be real here. Do you really think if your body went without water for 30-60 minutes you would really suffer?
My opinion is too many people use 'water breaks' as a bit of a rest time, when really we could be getting on with the workout! Just my opinion, do with it what you will!

7. Avoid working small muscle groups

I see a lot people come into the gym (mainly teenagers) and straight away head over to the dumbells to work on their bicep curls. The thing with biceps is they are some of the smallest muscles in our body. Therefore the heart doesn't have to work too hard to pump blood to the bicep area because the workload is just not that hard. Alternatively, do some leg, glute (butt) and back exercises and then tell me where your heart rate is at!

6. Interval training with your cardio is ideal (in most cases)

Interval training means you might do say 50% for one minute and then 100% for the next minute and continue for as long as you feel able. This is a great way to get the heart rate up (which will increase calories burnt off and overall fitness). However, if joint problems are something you have to deal with (for example, previous injuries/overweight/not used to regular exercise) then my suggestion is start with the longer, continuous, slower stuff (say anywhere up to 2 hours at about 50-60% of max heart rate) and work some intervals in as you get more comfortable.

5. Leave your ego/insecurities at home.

Here's a tip: no one is looking at you! I know you think they are but guess what? They aren't!
And the funny thing whilst you're spending the whole time thinking that they are looking at you, they are spending the whole time thinking that you are looking at them!
Don't get self conscious, just do what needs to be done.

4. Training partners are great but are they as dedicated as you?

Some people tell me they will see some great results because they are training with their friend. But what happens when that friend is sick? Or doesn't want to go that day? Or moves away? Or gets sick of the gym? My experience is that the other person stops also. Training partners are great but just make sure you are on the same page. Hiring a personal trainer is more beneficial because it is their job to be there for you!

3. It's all about quality, not quantity!

One or two 20 minute sessions each week is better than no hour sessions each week...believe it or not! Don't feel that if you can only give 20-30 minutes to the gym that it wouldn't be beneficial. It will be of great benefit (and I betcha as soon as you walk through the doors for your 20 minute session you will end up staying longer!)

2. It's not about what you're wearing.

I remember once, a friend of a friend was starting at a new gym but they weren't going to go until they had bought all the latest gym clothes! This person only lasted about 2 weeks. Remember, no one is looking at you!

1. Tomorrow is another day!

Whenever you fall off the wagon and feel like you have completely gone backwards with your gym program, the best thing you can do is just get back on the horse and get back into it! Forget about the past (you can't change what has happened, however you can change what will happen)

So there's my list of things you should be doing (or not doing) in the gym.

I would love your comments.

What would you add to the list (or maybe what would you not have put in?)

Let me know.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that list matty, and I agree you should only be at the gym for YOU, not for anyone else or anything else, you push yourself for you and you compare yourself only against yourself.