Friday, October 9, 2009

There's 168 hours in a week (13/20)

There are 168 hours in each week.

Let's say we work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week = 40 hours.

Leaves us 128 hours/week

Let's say we sleep 8 hours/night (as we should be) = 56 hours

Leaves us 72 hours

Let's say we watch 2.5 hours TV a day (not unrealistic, I don't think) = 17.5 hours

Leaves us 54.5 hours

half hour for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner = 1.5 x 7 days = 10.5 hours

Leaves us 44 hours

Let's say we spend 1.5 hours each day in the car (maybe more, maybe less) = 10.5 hours

Leaves us 33.5 hours.

Let's say we spend one hour/day dropping kids to day care/school/work/uni = 7 hours

Leaves us 26.5 hours

At this point I think I have covered all the major things that consume our time.

We are then left with 26.5 hours a week for all the good stuff.

Such as: Family time, Loved ones, recreation, relaxation, socialising and of course exercise!

Next time someone tells you 'there's not enough time in the week to exercise and look after your health'...

Tell him he's dreamin'!

I would love your thoughts.

Keep intensity high and excuses low
Matt Collins


Anonymous said...

that is SOOOO written from a mans point of view what about all the times you have to look after sick kids, supervise their show and tell effort/homework, listen to home readers,shop, cook, wash, clean up afer other people and even when you are doing nothing in particular you cant go to the gym as you have the mucnhkins with you ie kids!? lol yes i know leave your excuses at the door but these arent excuses they are just life for some of us.

PP said...

My first thought was "Where's the cleaning??!" And the Homework...and the...
And I WISH I had 26.5 hours left over for the things I love!

But....I do now get up at 5:30am for a run and I love it! It was a real mind decision at first as I could easily be swayed by the thought of another hour in bed - but I go to bed a little earlier and I figure that the kids, school and the reno can wait till after Im done!
So with a little organisation and a huge dose of will power - Im now in the groove and I love driving to school knowing that Ive been out there in the cool fresh air and sweated my butt off!!!!

kristalicious said...

They are excuses.
A single mother with 8 children and two jobs manages to make time to go to the gym. So does a guy who is blind and needs supervision for his sessions. So do countless other people who could probably give hundreds and hundreds of excuses for not going to the gym. But they don't. Instead, they make a committment to changing their lifestyle, rather than sitting around complaining about how unfit they are and how unfair life is and expecting it all to just change. They use their initiative to work around any obstacles they come across, including time.

Anonymous said...

who is looking after the single mothers 8 kids while she is at the gym and can they look after mine too? ps i dont sit around complaing i dont have time!