Tuesday, October 13, 2009

'sucked in' marketing in the health and fitness world (15/20)

It upsets me how the marketers of the fitness world really 'S   T   R   E   T   C   H' the truth to make us believe that their product is exactly what we need.

As of March 31, 2009, Wii Fit had sold 18.22 million units worldwide.

But how effective are the Wii Fit machines?

How many testimonials have we heard from people saying "I lost 20kg's while using the Wii Fit machine"

I haven't seen one.

I'm not saying the Wii Fit machine is no good, but where are the success stories?

Are there any?

Or have 18.22 million people just been 'sucked in' to buying this machine?

Don't hunt me down if you are one of the 18.22 million!

(if you are maybe you'd like to tell me how good/bad the machine is)

What about the multitude of ab machines that are marketed on morning television.

'Ab swing 4000'

'6 second abs'

'Ab Lounge'

All the classics!

"So convenient, they slide easily under your bed"

Yeh, and that is where they stay until your next garage sale!

Don't believe me? Check the Trading Post, you will see pages and pages of ab machines,exercise bikes, powders, pills and potions all being resold.

So why do we buy this stuff?

Surely we know deep down that it isn't going to work, right?

I believe we buy this stuff because we want the 'quick fix'.

We want to buy this product and take some comfort in that it will automatically solve all our problems!

Unfortunately, the sneaky marketers have us believe that this is possible.

They are prying on the desperate (or close to desperate) people that really don't like that part of their life and they would love a quick fix to their problem.

So they buy the product.

A couple of weeks later and they realise it is not as quick and easy as the commercial was suggesting and hello Trading Post! 

My suggestion is (and take it or leave it, I don't mind either way) is that anything worth getting is worth working towards.

Much like making a million dollars is going to take time and a well sort out plan, so is your (long term) ongoing fitness plan.

There are no quick fixes to anything

say it with me... "There are no quick fixes to anything"

(Somebody should tell Kevin Rudd!)

The way to life long results is with the following three things:

1. A plan

2. Hard work

3. Patience.

(you wont see that in any ab machine commercial!)

Would love your thoughts.

Keep intensity high and excuses low

Matt Collins


Anonymous said...

Telemarketing....Gotta love it... Have no time for it, but it does work. Seen it first hand. Not me but through friends of mine.. I'm always a great believer in finding ACTIVE things that you enjoy doing, and do them hard. Fair enough people need motivation at times, but ordering toys over T.v and Net is only going to give you something to peedle at your next garage sale.
I've been paying for the (can't even remember package) now for at least 3mths now and haven't been in for my feel good smash up. Why??
Because I'm lazy, busy and the dog ate me and threw me up.
Matt, Jen and Trish still haven't given up on me though.. That's something you won't get from buying at home. Beautiful happy souls who don't have that failed car salespersons grin. Think Mr T is happy about plugging a steamer??? Hell NO.. Fool!! And if you do own one of these "Modern day, space saving, miracle contraptions" build a nice big fire in the backyard and hold a bridge/plank (or whatever you wanna call it) till that baby is dust!!!
Rusty Weights(Deno) xxoo

Anonymous said...

How can you compare Wii fit to an Ab swing? People buy the Wii because it looks like fun. People buy ab machines because they think it will give them a six pack and they don't read the tiny writing at the bottom of the screen when the infomercial is on.

People don't quit gym programs because they are not "committed" enough. They quit because they find it boring and they aren't making friends there. If you notice something about your regulars at the gym, they are either athletes with serious training goals or they are part of a "crew" i.e. the gym is a social institution.

It doesn't matter how well you plan and commit to hard work, if the heart isn't feeling the love, the body isn't gonna stick around no matter how qualified or "good" the facilities and trainer are.

kristalicious said...

Quitting because it's 'boring' or you're 'not making enough friends' sounds like an excuse to me... and a fairly average one at that. People DO quit gym programs because they aren't committed enough.
This post wasn't about having 'good facilities and trainers', it's about knowing what you want and setting goals - and realising that it's going to take a lot of hard work to get there, because there really is no miracle machine that's going to do that hard work for you.

kristalicious said...

PS - if your heart isn't in it, how committed are you???

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous 13th Oct, 8.24pm

Maybe you should come to Fatburners as they are never boring. I had alot of days where my heart wasn't in it, it was me not the trainers or the people. I have purchased exercise equipment, DVD's, the only use they have had is collecting dust.

You will see at the gym we are there having ago. We have no "in groups" or "crew".

You want to change, it's up to you.