Wednesday, September 23, 2009

commitment (3/20)

Minimal actions gives minimal results.

Here's my thoughts (and agree or disagree, that's totally cool. I would love to hear your response)

Somebody comes to a gym to purchase a 3 month membership.

The sales team at the counter explain that this is actually the most expensive option (per week) and that a long term commitment like 12  months is the way to go financially (/week). Plus it shows that you are ready to rip in! and see some big improvements.

The customer suggests that they just want to "see how they go" and they stick with the three months option.

From my experience, the people that purchase a three month membership do so for one (or more) of a number of reasons:

  • Cheapest option
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Doing what their friends did
  • Only in town for 3 months
  • Want to make sure they like that particular gym before making a longer commitment
However, the majority of 3 month membership customers make the purchase because they just want to "see how they go"

Let's look at that phrase "see how I go"

What does "see how I go" mean?

I don't think I will stick to a gym program because I haven't had a lot of success sticking to gym programs in the past.

Maybe this time I will stick to it and really make some changes.


Why is it maybe?

The choice is yours baby!

There isn't some magical fairy that decides whether you stick to a gym program or not.

I wonder if a heart surgeon goes in to do an operation and starts with "ok, let's see how we go today" Maybe it'll work out and maybe it won't"

I suggest not.

Now, are your workouts as important as someone receiving a heart transplate, I'll let you answer that one.

My suggestion is that those people are going about it all wrong.

There has to be some sort of a plan in your head as to how your health and fitness routine is going to go.

It is no surprise that people doing personal training come to the gym more regularly, because their trainer has set up a regular plan for how often they should be coming in and what they should be doing when they come in.

I am not pushing personal training products, rather pushing the fact that having a plan around how your gym membership is going to fit into your busy schedule with all the stressors that you have in your life is going to put you in a lot better position.

Can I make this suggestion, when you think you are ready to get stuck into some sort of fitness activity, ask yourself this question...

Am I ready to change some stuff in my life and I am willing to accept that change in my life?

Somebody might purchase a membership but not really be ready to change other things in their life they have already to commited to.

For example, if a smoker wants to stop smoking but they are not ready to change the friends they hang around (because the friends all still smoke) they will probably not last long as a non smoker.

Let's look at it another way:

If I see someone in the street that has stopped coming to the gym they may tell me their reasons (excuses) for stopping:

  • Just didn't have the time
  • I couldn't fit it in around work
  • Lost the motivation
  • got too busy with the kids
So, why wasn't there some sort of plan to combat these things?

Especially if you have done the gym thing before , because you would know what you are like and therefore you could combat these excuses before they arise and before they become your downfall.

So have a plan of attack!

Make a commitment, not just to the gym, but to yourself!

I know for a lot of you I am talking to the converted. If this is the case maybe you know someone who needs to hear it?

In any case I look forward to your thoughts and your response.

Just click the comment button below.

Keep intensity high and excuses low.

Matt Collins


Anna said...

Very well said. No reason for excuses. No blaming outside factors, but getting YOUR OWN butt into gear!! Commitment is 110% You!!! No one else can do it for you. :-)

Goal Power Training said...

If that is the Anna that I think it is.... Then all I can say is WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Unknown said...

Thats got to be it! We make appointments for everything else why not start making appointments to fit ouselves into our busy schedules. Ok Im penciling me in. Everyone else will have to fit around me hahahaha

Briohny said...

I too was probably like that to start with but now I've been going a bit longer I am glad I signed up for 12 months and have also made a life commitment to be active and healthy. Fat Burners just makes the commitment more fun! Sometimes I forget I'm going there to exercise!