Tuesday, October 23, 2007

saying and doing!

Are you are sayer or a doer???

From my experience with training people over the years is that there are a lot of sayers out there.

Here's a good example...

If someone asks you to a party or over to there house and you know you either don't want to go or aren't able to make it - but you still say "yeh, I'll see how I go" That's what we call being a sayer!!!

You know you wont be going to their house but you still say yes because you don't want to say NO.

There is nothing wrong with saying NO.

In fact people will appreciate you (and your time) more if you do let them know exactly what your plans are.

When you say YES but you really mean NO you think you are just being nice, but what happens when you ring the person at the last minute to pull out (or even worse - you don't even ring!) Do you think you are still being nice then?

I don't think so Charlie!

Start being a DOER!!

If you say you are going to be somewhere - BE THERE!

If that's too hard - then don't commit yourself in the first place by being a SAYER!

SAYERS let people down and before too long you will be known for your traits as a SAYER

Does 'the boy who cried wolf' ring any bells'????

DOERS are known for there hard work, integrity, trust and ethics.

Think of your friends and family...

Who are the SAYERS and who are the DOERS??

And more importantly which one have they thought of you as???

The simplest action is more powerful than the strongest words.

Have a great day

keep intensity high and excuses low



Anonymous said...

Very good. One has to have a reason to get out of bed. I certainly hope I am in the class of a DOER!!!

Anonymous said...

"It's easier to be wise for others than oursleves"

fatburners said...

You're right anonymous,

It is easier to be wise for others than ourselves.
I just put my thoughts out there (sometimes I am talking to myself as much as any one else).

Question is, do we just read these thoughts and make judgement or do we make some positive changes in our own lives???

Thanks for your post.

fatburners said...

Hi anonymous,

There are a million reasons to get out of bed, so you can get back in for one!!!


Patricia Smith said...

Great comments Matt, continue on with your rants please. I used to be a sayer and quite over weight, through a great personal trainer, i have become a DOER..... and there is no stopping me now, 20kg's lost and going strong. To any challenge in life, it is either yes or no, no more maybe's!!! If you want something, go for it and do it. If you don't do it, you have no one to blame but yourself.

fatburners said...

Yes or no Trish, I like it! No maybes!!!