Monday, October 29, 2007

The fat family

Have you ever been to someone's house where they have those 3 ducks flying elegantly across the kitchen wall?

Or what about the family of ducks that walk along the river bank, mumma duck in front followed by a handful of baby ducklings all traveling closely behind?

Now tell me have you ever been to a shopping centre and seen a family walking along, dad in front, then mum, then big sister and closely trailed by younger brother?

Now tell me have you seen this same family all holding a can of icy cold coke???

I have.

And I had to pick my jaw up off the ground.

Here is a whole family each with a can of over 12 teaspoons of sugar!!!

I mean they could have bought one big bottle and saved heaps!!!

Only joking.

The point I am making is our kids will become adults and they will only know what they have seen and heard.

Why are so many elite athletes sons and daughters of former elite athletes?

Because it is all they have ever seen and heard.

Why are so many rich people sons and daughters of rich parents?

Because it is all they have ever seen and heard.

Why are so many fat kids sons and daughters of fat parents???

You get the idea.

So the question is, what are you showing and telling your kids??



Anonymous said...

Yes, l know what you are talking about and it is pretty sad. Dont parent's know by now that can's of coke or any softdrinks are no good for us, there are better choices out thier.
lt's all up to the parents to teach our kids these day's to eat healthier foods and to erxercise,or to get into some kind of sport. Parents are to blame for thier over weight children.

Anonymous said...

Just had to respond to this one!! A quote that springs to mind is "monkey see, monkey do!" I am happy that my kids follow my lead and in recent times I have been lucky enough to witness this "amazing phenomena" occurring in a in a few 'fatburner' families. Keep talking the talk Matt so the ripple effect continues!!!

fatburners said...

That's right Anonymous,

There certainly are better choices out there. Haven't these families heard of pepsi!!!

No seriously, parents have to start putting there hands up and accepting responsibility.

Here's a question.

How many parents give their kids treats after dinner every night???

I know I do and it's a habit that has just become the norm.

Well not anymore!!!


fatburners said...

Thanks Jen,

No body walks the talk like you!

Patricia Smith said...

So true Matt,
I have personally seen this change happen in my family this year. I have changed my diet and excercise for the better and lost weight, my son has dropped many kilo's just becuase we eat better and do more active family outings.
Keep up the words of wisdom .

fatburners said...


Your family should be paying you for being their trainer!

The family trainer... Now there's an idea!

Put that down next to our fat camp idea!!!
