Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We're all different

I went to a Xmas party with my Noosa 50 & FIT group this morning. (Thank you Nancy and Gordon for inviting all of us into such a wonderful house).

We completed an hour of exercise, had some tremendous food and just as good conversation.

The nasty trainer gave out chocolate gifts for everyone's hard work over the last year.

So we are all sitting around the table at the end of a great morning and I thought how different it was from my own family's xmas meals.

And that in turn got me thinking about the other people at the table and were their xmas meals similarly different?

Similarly different???

You know what I mean!

Meal time is the one time when we don't necessarily see how the rest of the world lives.

Only our own family.

I guess it may not be too important to some, but it was really of interest to me as a fitness professional.

I ask people all the time "what is your eating like"?

and they always say "oh yeah, not too bad"

But not too bad, compared to what???

Not too bad compared to a small country?

Not too bad compared to Pavarotti?

That's why counting calories (for some people) is a good idea

Because then you can see EXACTLY how much food is going in.

Don't worry girls, I wasn't counting this morning's calories!!!

Have a think about what sort of importance meal time is at your family's house.

Is it a big event?

Does everyone eat until they can't stand up?

Do you fit in dessert even though there is no room left?

If you do, maybe it's time to make some changes.

I know there is a fair chance we will all over eat during the next couple of weeks, but WE DON'T HAVE TOO!!!

Xmas means down time, relaxing and having fun with loved ones, it doesn't mean CHEW TILL YOU SPEW!

Sorry I had to fit that in some how!

Write your comments and tell me thoughts.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's supposed to be hard!!!

Do you know anyone who never really tries anything???

And the excuse they give is that it's too hard, or they don't know how to do it, or the worse one...

I can't do that!!!

And yet they haven't even tried it yet.

Believe it or not, some things are supposed to be hard.

If every thing was easy we would never get any self satisfaction out of the stuff we do.

I train people to have a better life - physically.

And for some fatburners clients it is a big shake up to their life.

It is hard!!!

But after a while the things that were once hard are now easy.

It's like lifting a 5 kg dumbell.

Initially it might be quite challenging to lift such a weight.

And there are some people out there that would say...

"I can't lift that"

without even giving it a go.

Then there are others that know they can't lift it but will give it a go anyway

and will continue to give it a go until it becomes...


and then they move on to the sixes!!!

So because they were prepared to venture into the unknown they have become a stronger person, in this case mentally and physically!

Are you the "I can't" person or the "I'll give it a go" person???

Let me know.
